Saturday, June 23, 2007

Assembling the team

We've all arrived in Colorado, with Dad, Steve and Sandy pulling in with their trailered bikes around 2pm this afternoon. Today was an especially exciting day as we attended Mike's graduation from the University of Phoenix in downtown Denver. It was a great ceremony and watching him recieve his Bachelors degree in Business Management was truly emotional. We of course hooted and hollered as loudly as we could to show our support. Way to go Mike!

The afternoon was spent with everyone gathered at Mike and Dee Dee's house in Colorado Springs for a fabulous bbq, motorcycle rides for the kids, and s'mores over the campfire in the evening. It was a great start to the trip and a great celebration in Mike's honor. Click here to see pictures from the day.

Sunday will find us all sleeping in, enjoying the luxury of no morning commitments. We can finally all catch up on our sleep and prepare for our Monday morning departure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there you riders! Hope your first day was fun! We enjoyed the pictures of the graduation! We would suggest to Mike that he wears long pants with those boots and new jacket.....the shorts looked funny! LOL Ride careful and know that I am jealous as hell! Love you bunches!