Sunday, July 1, 2007

Post-ride reflections

It's now Sunday and everyone has made it home safe and sound. Dad and Sandy were the last to roll in to Ohio today after dropping Steve off in Illinois yesterday. In saying our goodbyes to each other it was pretty evident that we all had a great time on this trip and look forward to more in the near future.

Looking back at our four days on the road there isn't anything I would have changed. Even though we had 100 degree heat, mechanical problems, night time driving through the mountains, rain and quarter-size hail, we all had good spirits all the way through. The beauty of the Rockies made for an outstanding trip and traveling with my family was the icing on the cake. We're all spread out across the country and being able to get together and see everyone for a week and share something we all love is definitely something to be cherished.

I guess that brings this blog to a close. We enjoyed putting this together and we hope you enjoyed following us through our travels. We'll keep you all posted on our next adventure.